A number of posts on the BIA Council will become vacant in May 2023, and so the Council is seeking nominations for these positions which are listed below.
Vacancies (demitting post-holders)
Members of Council
- Vice President (David Partridge)
- Meetings Secretary (Rajeka Lazurus)
- Communications secretary (unfilled officially; Rajeka/Fiona co-opted)
- CSC – microbiology (Natasha Ratnaraja)
- CSC – infectious diseases (Anna Checkley and Jo Herman)
- Scientific and Research Secretary (Chris Chiu)
- HSST Training Post (new post)
- Trainee Communications (Edward Mosely)
Each member who agrees to become a candidate for election to Council shall be proposed and seconded by Association members, one of whom must be of at least 2 years' standing. For further information on what being a council member involves, please see the Roles and Responsibilities.
Nominations are being made online, Nominations are OPEN. This will allow you to register as a candidate or to support a nomination. Closing date for nominations is 31st March 2023.
Key Dates
Nominations Opens - 10th March 2023
Nominations close – 31st March 2023
Voting Opens – 5th April 2023
Voting Closes – 26th April 2023
Results Announced at AGM – 17th May 2023 (BIA AGM and Spring Meeting)