Guidance and quality standards, including healthcare associated infections and infection prevention and control.
HEE elfh Sexual Health and HIV elearning programme
Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) and the Royal College of Physicians to add new content to the Sexual Health and HIV programme (eHIV-STI).
A new session, Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare for Trans, Non-binary and Intersex People, is now available as part of the elearning programme. This session aims to aid understanding of the diversity of gender identity and support sexual health professionals to facilitate effective sexual and reproductive healthcare for trans, non-binary, and intersex people.
By the end of this session learners will be able to:
- describe different gender identities and the need to have inclusive healthcare provision within an integrated sexual health service
- list important areas of health promotion for trans and non-binary service users
- discuss ways to take a non judgemental sexual and reproductive history from a trans or non-binary patient
- identify key sexual health issues faced by trans and non-binary patients
- describe possible medical or surgical approaches to gender affirming treatments and their common complications
evaluate how welcoming the service is for trans and non-binary people. - The eHIV-STI elearning programme provides the knowledge framework for healthcare professionals treating and supporting people with sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and related conditions. The elearning is split across 17 modules, with an additional undergraduate and STIF pathway, and provides an extensive knowledge base for STIs and HIV.
The new session can be found in the ‘Approach to patient’ module. For more information about the elearning programme and to access the full list of available sessions, visit the Sexual Health and HIV programme page.
Medical News Today
The largest independent health and medical news site, updated daily, sourcing information from leading medical journals.
The Medical Foundation for HIV and Sexual Health is an independent charity dedicated to improving the quality of HIV and sexual healthcare. Has publications and resource packs available for download.
Top Ten Tips Series
Set up by the RCP in 2007 as a response to the rise in healthcare associated infection, the Healthcare Associated Infections Working Group has produced a series of tips available for download, including Top Ten Tips on C. difficile, Norovirus and effective antibiotic prescribing.
European Antibiotic Awareness Day
Organised by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control network and supported by PHE and the devolved administrations, this annual European public health initiative takes place on 18 November to raise awareness about the threat to public health of antibiotic resistance and prudent antibiotic use. Resources include infographics, campaign materials, and data and reports.
Click for website
Become an Antibiotic Guardian and encourage others to do so - click for PHE Antibiotic Guardian website
Click for PHE Keep Antibiotics Working National Campaign resources
Click for WHO Antibiotics Awareness Week webpage
PHE also has resources including guidance, correspondence and promotional material, available at
HEE antimicrobial resistance (AMR) training resources guide
The HEE AMR training resources guide is is now available to access on the HEE website.
The purpose of this guide is to promote available learning on the management of infective states, infection prevention and control, antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship by:
- 1. Signposting educational materials available to health workers and students.
- 2. Providing a centralised resource portal to educators on supporting learners.
- 3. Supporting commissioning, regulatory and quality improvement teams (including infection prevention and control and antimicrobial management teams) by highlighting available educational resources to improve practice.
- 4. Encouraging learners to access available learning sessions to support their learning needs.
- 5. Highlighting learning sessions that can be embedded within clinical training pathways.
NICE antimicrobial resistance impact report
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published a new impact report on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This focuses on how NICE's evidence-based guidance can change prescribing practice to help slow the emergence of AMR and ensure that antimicrobials remain effective treatments for managing infections. Our important new resource will be particularly relevant to your colleagues/members/stakeholders and I'd be very grateful if you could help us spread the word about it through your networks and communication channels.
This is the 6th in a series of impact reports which look at how NICE's evidence-based guidance is being used in priority areas of the health and care system. Our impact reports are based on data from national audits, reports, survey and indicator frameworks that show the uptake of our guidance and quality statement measures. You can access all of our impact reports on the NICE website.
Professor Gillian Leng, NICE's Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Health and Social Care recently published a blog with her thoughts about our new AMR impact report, in the National Health Executive.
If you require further information or have any questions, please get in touch with
Should Microbiologists be on Category A or B when on Call? (BIA members only)
Added 09 April 2018
Antibiotic Review Kit (ARK)
The ARK research programme aims to safely reduce antibiotic use in hospitals.
ARK is an independent research programme funded by the National Institute for Health Research
The FINGERTIPS resource from PHE now has Trust-level data for antibiotic prescription reviews.
HEE antimicrobial resistance (AMR) training resources guide
The HEE AMR training resources guide is is now available to access on the HEE website.
TARGET Antibiotic Training Modules
PHE, BSAC and primary care colleagues have developed seven free TARGET learning resources highlighting key easy actions you can take to help improve antibiotic prescribing, the patient journey and self-care and reducing future consultations.
These learning modules are now available as un-facilitated learning courses, each containing PPT presentations, recorded panel discussions and a host of referenced material and learning resources. The webinars were accredited for CPD by the Royal College of General Practitioners and each module attracts 1 CPD point. Participants can register for CPD and download their certificate online once modules are completed.
Click to access Target webinars
RCP Future Hospital Programme
Published November 2017; click to view
Sepsis Education and Training
Think Sepsis e-learning programme (NHS HEE)
Posted 26/04/18
Blue Skies Agenda for Microbiology - How do we deliver Microbiology services for the next decade and beyond?
Published September 2006; click to view
Posted 31/05/18